Beautiful Garbage Photography, Inc.

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Desiree Contin is a 23 year old freelance photographer based in Miami, FL. If you'd like to hire her, pose for her, or just chat, she can be reached at either or

Monday, November 24, 2008

Remin 11-20-08

This shoot was the last for the calendar...and it was great success! (to quote

Remin, or Min as she prefers to be called, is a friend of Melissa and Vicky's that I was very excited to work with, as she has shot with pro photographers before and is trying to break into the world of modeling...

She represented Virgo for the month of September, and we had such a good time on the shoot that even after we got the shot for the calendar, we decided to keep shooting just for fun!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Kary-Anne 11-20-08

Kary-Anne, my best friend and go-to pro make-up artist and hairstylist was coerced by me ;D into representing Cancer for the month of July in my calendar...

She was fantastic, and provided some of the best shots of the series!!!

yay, Kary!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Natalia 11-16-08

we finished off the weekend with another shoot at one of my favorite parks...Natalia was a real trooper, as we needed her to get in the water for the shot and it was about 60 degrees out (it doesn't sound too bad, but we're Miami-ans, people! 60 degrees is damn near freezing! lol)

Natalia is a Pisces, and so she is being featured on the March page of the calendar...

this was another one of those shoots that we had to do in a hurry (from beginning to end, it lasted 12 minutes) because it was so close to sunset and the light was rapidly diminishing, but the lighting was beautiful, and like I told Natalia, I didn't see a bad picture in the set...Natalia deserves a medal! lol

Vicki 11-15-08

the third shoot of the day was featuring a Beautiful Garbage favorite...Vicki! playing herself (Leo lol) for the August page of the calendar...

we were able to shoot at my "studio" for her set-up, which was usual, as soon as we started shooting the magic started happening (lol) and we got SEVERAL amazing shots!!! the camera loves "goddess" Vicki! ;D

yep, that's a leo symbol perfect is that? lol

Michelle 11-15-08

the second shoot of the day started an hour and a half later than scheduled, so we were kind of rushed, and the light was pretty harsh, but I think we did alright all things considered... ;D

we had to deal with ducks and iguanas (mean ones! lol) but we got the shot pretty quickly...

Michelle is a actually a Libra, but for the calendar she is representing Aquarius (the water-bearer, hence the fountain) for the month of February...

Anisey 11-15-08

three shoots in a day! I don't think I'd done it before, unless you count once back in March that was all in the same location...hectic! and eventful! lol

The first shoot of the weekend was with Anisey in the Gables...she is an actual Libra, so she is representing October in my calendar...

I wanted to have her pose on the columns, because I wanted a sophisticated feel for her photo...Anisey was awesome, she climbed right up on the tallest pillar and got to work...she even put together her own toga, which was a welcome change for me! lol

probably the coolest little factoid about this was raining before we started, and it stopped just long enough for me to get my shot...literally three minutes!!! I was able to get all these amazing shots in 3 MINUTES!!! Anisey is awesome! lol

Monday, November 10, 2008

Melissa M. 11-9-08

The last shoot of the weekend featured a Beautiful Garbage newcomer, Melissa M., channeling her inner diva to represent Aries for April...props to her, cuz she's actually a Virgo!

I spent a good half hour on Melissa's garment, and I'm actually quite impressed at how it turned out! If only I had that much time for ALL of the girls...Her garment actually looked like an outfit to me, albeit haphazardly put together, but I loved my idea for the pattern! ok, I'll stop gushing about the "dress" now lol

We went to shoot at a warehouse in Meli's neighborhood, and Kenny very excitedly lent us his car for the shoot ("My car is gonna be published? and with a chick? SCORE!" LOL)...I wanted the colors to really POP, and I think we were able to achieve that...

Jennie 11-9-08

For such an eventful shoot, the actual photographing for this session was ironically very "quick and painless" as we put it lol

We had to change location for the shoot three times in a matter of 20 minutes, after being chased out of places by cops, a co-ed beatdown that we feared would end in a shootout, and people robbing the sleeping homeless...incredible!

We ended up back in the original location, and got 100 shots in a matter of 10 minutes...the scenery, lighting and model were beautiful, and everything just clicked, pun intended.

Jennie is a Beautiful Garbage favorite, and she is opening up the calendar being featured on the January page, representing Capricorn.

I edited these photos myself, along with the 2 in the NEXT post, though Kenny edited all of the other photos in both sets (hey, I got impatient! I was excited to post so I had to take matters into my own hands! lol)

Jennicke 11-8-08

The second shoot of the day starred Jennicke as herself, a.k.a. Scorpio.

We went down to the beach (where a wedding was going on, yay!) and proceeded to have way more fun than pros should...the music was very distracting! lol

I styled Jennicke in kind of like a toga, a little more "womanly" than the past two shoots, where I was going for more of a found nymph feel...And as a side note which I don't think I'd mentioned before, each of the models is wearing a color that pertains to the zodiac sign they are meant to be representing.

This was the first (and so far only) set of photos that I 100% edited on my own from start to finish...

Vanessa O. 11-8-08

I started out this weekend of FOUR shoots with Vanessa O....We'd been trying to schedule a shoot all year, and we finally were able to get together on Saturday and shoot for the calendar...

Vanessa O. is actually a Virgo, but for the calendar she represented Taurus, and she will be featured in May in the calendar.

Kenny has been teaching me how to work the programs as well, and I actually helped edit these...=)

(DISCLAIMER: in the interest of keeping the calendar interesting and fresh, ANY picture I post from calendar shoots ANYWHERE is simply a "preview"...I am not AT ALL posting the actual photos to be used in the calendar, which I believe to be the best shot from any given set, or any photo that even slightly resembles if you wanna see the best of the best from these shoots, the calendar is the only place to see it!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lynn 11-1-08

I recently shot the first set in the series of photos that will make up the first ever (and hopefully annual) Beautiful Garbage Photography calendar, just in time for 2009...if all goes to plan (and it damn well better! lol) I should have the first copy in my hand before December, and won't that be grand?

The wardrobe was created on the spot by me, my first attempt at styling and I have to say I was expecting worse, but it turned out alright if I do say so myself...

A photo from this set (not one that's posted, BUA HA HA! it shall be a SURPRISE!!!) shall be featured in the 2009 Beautiful Garbage Photography calendar, which I am INCREDIBLY happy to announce already has some buzz going and has some people waiting excitedly to buy! YAY!

in the next couple weeks, we'll have the shoots completed, and the calendars should be available by early December (holiday gifts, anyone? LOL who wouldn't want something that affords them the ability to look at beautiful women all year? and even if you're not into beautiful women, I'm sure you appreciate beautiful photos, or you wouldn't be reading this!)

The calendars will be available for $25...and be horoscope inspired, i.e. the first set featuring Lynn (a Beautiful Garbage newcomer) as Sagittarius...The calendar will feature some new faces, as well as SEVERAL of your favorites, including Vicki and Jennie!

I'm very excited about this new venture, and hope to hear your thoughts, both on the idea and the photos themselves...

thanks as always for the support, friends!

and make sure you add the new facebook support page:
