Beautiful Garbage Photography, Inc.

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About Me

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Desiree Contin is a 23 year old freelance photographer based in Miami, FL. If you'd like to hire her, pose for her, or just chat, she can be reached at either or

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I've gone and made a livejournal for my photography, since it's so much easier to subscirbe and follow me there...please check it out for updates on the latest shoots!

thanks as always for your support!
Beautiful Garbage Photography, Inc.

Natalie & Raissa 9-19-09

This set from the calendar features 2 newcomers, Natalie and Raissa...these girls were such a blast and were great sports about climbing on all the playground equipment in the rain, and in heels!

Ana & Ingrid 9-13-09

The third set for the 2010 swimsuit calendar featured an old face Ana, and a newcomer Ingrid, a.k.a. Lady Longlegs...This shoot also marked the first set with Ninfa as the hairstylist/make-up artist...

We shot these photos in the dark (at night), in the rain at a cemetary...not my favorite situation to be in LOL but considering the circumstances I think we did pretty well :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Samantha 6-14-09

Samantha is an old childhood friend/friend of the family that I hadn't seen in about a decade, so imagine our surprise when we show up to shoot and see each other! It made the shoot all the more fun, for sure. We got together to work on a series that I'm starting simply called "Dancers" where people trained in different dance styles basically show me what they've got, but in a setting that they might not be used to performing in. For Samantha's shoot, we stayed on that same shady corner that we shot Caroll's photos in earlier that day, seeing as the graffiti-ed wall was Samantha's idea.
The shoot was cut short because of the rain, but the 15-20 minutes we shot produced some of the most beautiful photos I have ever shot, in my opinion...

Caroll 6-14-09

These photos were taken on the shadiest corner of Downtown I have ever had the privilege of standing on LOL But I am very happy with this images of Caroll, one of which was published in Estilo magazine in Honduras. The photo is in the October issue, so I am currently waiting for the magazine to reach the US so I can scan the tearsheet :)

IMAIM 6-13-09

ok, so I've been VERY disappeared, but I am have good reason! The logistics of putting together this year's calendar have been CRAZY! It seems the more time I gave myself to plan for unfortunate circumstances, the more unfortunate circumstances I've run into...

But I digress...

These photos were taken the same day as the Lissett and Yvette shoot. They were taken at a rock festival at Optimist Park in Miami Lakes, and they feature a band called IMAIM. I'm not much into thrash, but these guys kick ass!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lissett and Yvette 6-13-09

first off, 50th post! woo hoo! LOL

Secondly, this is the second shoot of the 12 for next year's 2010 Swimsuit Calendar...the girls featured are sisters named Lissett and Yvette, and here are a couple of my favorite shots (though of course, not my FAVORITE favorite. As I've said before, the best shot will only be available for viewing in the calendar itself)...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kellie 6-9-09

This is another shoot I did for the Confessions series...The model's message is one of ambition, manifested by her statement "Anything you can do, I can do better!"

Kellie was very sweet, and completely professional. I look forward to working with her again, and expect she will have much success!

*Anonymous* 5-28-09

This model is a real pro and absolutely beautiful! but due to the nature of the shoot, she wished to remain anonymous. I hope to work with her again very soon in a setting where we can totally show her off!

This shoot was for my "Confessions"series, the first one I ever attempted, which I decided to revive. This model's theme is fear of commitment, manifested in her phrase "Once I have it, I don't want it."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Cristy and Jorge 5-23-09

This shoot was a lot of fun, it's always great to work with friends :)

Cristiana and Jorge have been together for about as long as my husband and I have, and they are finally getting married this September! So we all went out to get some engagement photos for them to use for their invitations...

I'll also be shooting their wedding in the fall, and I'm very much looking forward to it! <3>

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Caroll and Alejandra 5-16-09

This session was the first of twelve that I am going to be shooting throughout the year for the Beautiful Garbage Photography 2010 Swimsuit Calendar. I'm trying to give a fashion twist to regular swimsuit modeling, because it is so easy to be cliche and overly sexy in the whole calendar is going to be of women paired up modeling their suits in a sexy, classy way in found spaces where one wouldn't expect to find women in swimsuits...

The first girls that shot for this concept were Caroll, a Beautiful Garbage newcomer, and Alejandra, whom I shot in March for the Eyes concept.

Here are some of my favorite shots from the set, though like last year's calendar, the absolute BEST photo from the shoot will only be available for viewing in the actual calendar (not even the models will see the best photo until the calendar is released) so this is just a preview of what's to come...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

AVD 4-26-09

We finally got around to starting on Audio Video Disco's album art last month...We did a studio shoot were we got some individual shots of each girl, including a new addition to the band, month we will be working on the group shots, and then we'll be ready to put the CD cover together! super exciting!!!
Here's just one shot of each girl...They're not necessarily the shots that they will be using for their album, but they are some of my favorites...

Kristy - bass

Dary - guitar

Raysa - drums

Jessie - guitar/vocals/trumpet/keyboard

Josie - vocals/guitar

Kary-Anne 4-23-09

Wow, I am REALLY behind on posting shoots!

This was basically an impromtu shoot that Kary and I decided to do in the middle of the night...I'd never done an outdoor shoot at night, but I am very pleasantly surprised by the images.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Maylin 4-4-09

I had such a good time shooting Maylin for the "Eyes" series, that we decided to shoot again just a couple of weeks later...These shots were meant to enhance Maylin's portfolio, and so she took the reins as far as hair, wardrobe and location...

We got some really interesting photos, and Maylin, a self-proclaimed klutz (I can totally relate!) even decided to climb some trees for the sake of a shot! It's always exciting to shoot someone that is as gung-ho about getting a great photo as you are! I'm sure this won't be the last you see of Maylin in front of my camera!

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Eyes are the Windows to the Soul" concept - March 2009...

In March, I started a new concept, basically asking people to draw, paint and collage something that says something about them...and make it so that it's a "window" through their eyes, hence peeking through their eyes into their soul...

I had six shoots related to this concept throughout the month, mostly with people I'd never worked with before...I'm very pleased with how the concept is going so far, and I have about 30 other people that have shown interest and are pending scheduling...

here are my favorites from the 6 shoots, along with their titles...

Melissa - "Life is a Stage..."

Maylin - "When Ancient meets Modern..."

Hector - "Standing out in the crowd while shooting for the stars..."

Ramiro - "Complex"

Jessica - "Music is my soul"

Alejandra - "Duality"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Walk Now for Autism 2-22-09

Our Team: "Jesse's Girls"...and boys, I guess. LOL

This past weekend was the annual Walk Now for Autism event. I had never participated in this event before, though Autism is a cause near to my heart, and I had been training to work with children with Autism when I was in college.

Christie orchestrated our participation in the event, as we were walking for Jesse, one of her students (Christie is an ESE teacher).

I wasn't hired to take photos for this event, hell, I didn't even bring any of my big cameras LOL just my little point and shoot, but I wanted to post about the event anyways because not only was it a lot of fun, it was for an amazing cause, and I want to let you all know that this is definitely something that Beautiful Garbage Photography is going to be a part of for the long haul!

Next up: the Miami Kidney Walk, 3/8/09...please email me if you'd like information about registering for our team or making a donation!!!

as always, love to all!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

insanity!!! (1-18-09)



Secondly, hi! LOL

This past weekend, my BFF Kary (you remember, the pro hairstylist/MAC make-up artist) joined forces with me to photograph a gaggle of girls (five in total, three of which I had never worked with before) to benefit both our portfolios...
What resulted was a hectic, fun, crazy 11 hour shoot, and almost 1000 amazing images!!!

The first shoot of the day was a newbie, Christie...Kary did a crazy duochrome look that I called "the storm" LOL Christie came out beautiful, and the make-up was amazing!

My next victim was Jennicke...We had her shoot outdoors, which was a bit challenging because by the time she was out of hair and make-up, the light was fading fast...We got a few great shots, but I was a bit upset to find that some of my favorite shots came out irreparably blurry due to the darkness. No worries, we've already made plans to reshoot =)

After Jennicke's shoot, I started with Lynn, who you might remember from the Beautiful Garbage Photography calendar. She had several outfit changes, and was definitely one of the more animated girls in the bunch. Everytime I'd "ooh and ahh!" over a shot, she'd stop the shoot to see for herself, whether it was her shoot or not LOL But her energy and enthusiasm are always appreciated!

The fourth girl of the day (at this point night LOL) was Ana, who I've known since I was 10, but had never shot before...She has a fantastic face for beauty, and the talent to pull off high fashion...absolutely a treat to shoot! She also had several outfit changes, always exciting to shoot a model that contributes! Each of her looks was radically different, but I picked this photo to showcase because it reminds me of a CoverGirl ad. =)

The last shoot of the night featured Jessie, the lead singer of Audio Video Disco, who was an absolute delight to shoot! almost 300 frames, and not a bad shot among them! Jessie is beautiful, and very charismatic. She had a lot of ideas, was very natural and was game for anything, going as far as temporarily blinding herself for the sake of a shot. I really hope to work with her again!



Friday, January 2, 2009

Nicole 12-10-08

I had SUCH a hard time keeping this one under wraps for so long, but the photos were meant to be a Christmas present, and the client went out of town til New Years, so I couldn't unveil the photos for risk of ruining the surprise!!!

Nicole found me through Anisey, a mutual friend that I've worked with a couple of times, and asked me to take these photos of her as a gift for her boyfriend...and what a small world, her boyfriend is a guy that was in my tightest circle of friends in high school!

I love how these came out, and I hope the recipient liked them as well! ;D